Aphid Control

Aphids are tiny, soft-bodied insects that can be serious pests in gardens and farms. They come in various colors including green, black, yellow, and even pink. Aphids are sap-suckers, meaning they feed on the fluids within plants, especially new growth and tender parts. As they feed, aphids excrete a honeydew that can attract ants and promote the growth of sooty mold. Aphids reproduce quickly, often asexually, which means a single aphid can lead to an infestation in a short time.
Detecting aphids early is essential for effective control. Aphids are often found clustered on the undersides of leaves or around new shoots, where they feed most voraciously. Look for physical signs like sticky honeydew residue, curled or yellowed leaves, or a general decline in plant health.
Cultural strategies focus on creating an environment that is favorable for plants and less hospitable to pests. Cultivation practices such as maintaining healthy soil, crop rotation, mulching, and companion planting help to create unfavorable conditions for pests.
Physical or mechanical control strategies involve the use of physical barriers, tools, or methods to prevent, monitor, or control pests. We offer several products to help with physical/mechanical control, such as:
- Yellow Sticky Traps to monitor and detect infestations early.
- Beneficial Insect Netting to keep the good bugs in and the bad bugs out.
- Diatomaceous Earth to create unfavorable conditions for soft-bodied pest insects.
One of the most natural and effective ways to control aphids is by introducing beneficial insects to your garden. Releasing beneficials creates a self-sustaining solution, where natural predators keep aphid populations in check. This approach not only protects your plants but also supports biodiversity, making it an ideal choice for eco-friendly pest control.
Unlike harsh chemicals, natural predators take time to establish a population. This is why we recommend releasing the good bugs before aphid infestations are heavy.
- Ladybugs control aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, mites, thrips, & more.
- Green Lacewing Larvae control aphids, small caterpillars, mealybugs, whiteflies, mites, scale, thrips, & more.
- Orius insidiosus (Minute Pirate Bug) controls all life stages of thrips, mites, moth eggs, aphids, & more.
- Aphidius colemani controls small-bodied aphids including black bean, brown citrus, cherry, cotton, foxglove, green apple, green peach, honeysuckle, lettuce, melon, pea, peach, potato, rose, & more.
- Aphidius ervi controls large-bodied aphids including black bean, cherry, honeysuckle, lettuce, melon, pea, peach, potato, rose, & more.
- Aphelinus abdominalis is particularly effective for foxglove and potato species. Other species include black bean, brown citrus, cotton, green apple, green peach, greenhouse, melon, pea, rose, & more.
- Aphidoletes aphidimyza controls over 60 species of aphids including black bean, cherry, honeysuckle, lettuce, melon, pea, peach, potato, rose, & more.
- Aphid Double Mix contains A. colemani and A. ervi, while Aphid Triple Mix contains A. colemani, A. ervi, and A. abdominalis.
If infestations have gotten too heavy, we also offer soft chemical treatments such as neem oil and insecticidal soap.