Mosquito Control

The terrible feeling of getting bitten by a mosquito has almost certainly happened to everyone. An allergic reaction to the saliva of the mosquito that bites you might result in skin irritation, which is what produces the red bump and itching.
Yet a more dangerous result of some mosquito bites may be the spread of harmful illnesses and viruses including West Nile virus, dengue virus, Zika, and malaria, which can have fatal and severely debilitating effects.
Different species of mosquitoes prefer different types of standing water in which to lay their eggs. Portions of marshes, swamps, clogged ditches and temporary pools and puddles are all prolific mosquito breeding sites. Other sites in which some species lay their eggs include: tree holes, old tires, buckets, toys, potted plant trays and saucers, plastic covers or tarpaulins and even places as small as bottle caps!
To control mosquito populations you can use predatory insects such as the Praying Mantis.
You can also use Mosquito Bits and Dunks to help control mosquitoes before they become flying, biting adults.